Saturday, February 18, 2017

In 15 Years...

Image result for classroom clipartA few months ago I was blessed to be offered my first teaching position. Of course I accepted the offer and I now am a proud 5th grade teacher. The other day, after my students unpacked their belongings, I had them write an interesting journal entry after they settled down. I always try to make their journal entries engaging and fun. They were highly intrigued by this journal prompt. On the board I wrote “Where do you see yourself in 15 years?” Being the ambitious 5th grade students that they are, they wrote about their dreams of becoming rich, powerful, famous, and successful. I had students share their entries and they did so with pride and confidence.After they were done sharing, they asked me “Ms. Pulella, what about you? Where do you see your life in 15 years?” I was puzzled by the thought of the future. I couldn’t even think of a response, so instead I had them ask me more specific questions about my future. They asked me questions like “Is there a place you want to live?” “Will you still be a teacher?” “Will you be married and have children?” The last question one of my students asked me had me in awe, she asked me “Will you remember us?” I told them that they’re a special group of students and there will always be a place for them in my heart...even in 15 years.

Intrigued: very interested in
Ambitious: showing a strong determination to succeed
Confidence: believing in yourself
Puzzled: confused
Future: the time ahead
Specific: exact, clearly defined, particular, distinct, clear-cut.

Vocabulary Exercise: Complete the crossword puzzle below

Grammar: There, Their, and They’re
In this entry there were three forms of the word “there” used. These words are pronounced the same but they have a different spelling and meaning. There refers to a place, they’re is a contraction of “they are”, and their is a possessive pronoun.
Examples of when to use each version:
  1. There is a library in the first building.
  2. It is over there.
  3. They’re going to the movies tonight.
  4. They’re happy and in love.
  5. Their dog is cute
  6. Their house is big and beautiful.

Grammar exercise:
  • Write 2 sentences using the word there.
  • Write 2 sentences using the word they’re
  • Write 2 sentences using the word their.


  1. Aww! 5th grade is a sweet age. It's funny how we always want students to think of and plan for their future (that is why we are in this profession, isn't it? To give them a brigher future...) but we sometimes forget to do the same for ourselves. Sometimes my fiance asks me about my thoughts/vision for the future and I am usually stumped. I can usually give him an idea or two, but I don't like to commit to too many details, this way there are options.
    I like that you gave several examples of the uses for there, their, and they're, plus the students can refer to your text for more examples of how to use them. Writing 2 sentences for each should give a fair assessment of their understanding of each.

  2. Really awesome writing topic! I love that they also put you on the spot.
